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New and Used Soaring Books
Classic Soaring Books
$ ( Maryland) posted by Kathy Gaudet (1) on 07/30/2020 Updated on 10/05/2020
SOLD Flying Sailplanes by Helmut Reichmann, new in shrink wrap, $75 + $5 shipping
SOLD Sailplane Aerobatics by Les Horvath, new in shrink wrap, $25 + $5 shipping
Glider Basics From First Flight to Solo, 3rd Edition, new in shrink wrap, $40 + shipping
The Joy of Soaring by Carle Conway. Used with notes and name inside and out, $12 + shipping
Sailing the Skies, Gliding and Soaring by Malcolm Ross First edition, 1931. Used in pretty good condition, the dust cover is a bit ragged. $10 + shipping
Laws and Rules for Glider Pilots, published by the British Gliding Assn, 4th edition, 1967 Free to first person to claim it with the purchase of a book.
Paypal, Zelle accepted.  

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